A Guide to Share Your Thanks

Week Four of #FeedYourHealth is all about sharing your thanks to benefit your mental health and the health of others. There is always something to be thankful for, big or small, so share your thanks to love yourself and love others! According to Harvard Health, gratitude is ‘a thankful appreciation for what an individual receives, whether tangible or intangible.’ Through the process of gratitude, you take time to recognize a source of goodness in your life. This is associated with greater happiness because it helps you to focus on the positive emotions you’re feeling, relish good experiences, and build strong relationships.

Nationwide Children’s Hospital shares there are four ways sharing your thanks can benefit your mental health.

  1. Expressing gratitude can improve your mood. Those who regularly express gratitude for the positive things in life are happier overall, leading to lower rates of stress and depression.

  2. Showing gratitude can make you optimistic. Studies show those who express gratitude regularly appear to have a more positive outlook on life.

  3. Sharing gratitude can improve social bonds. People have reported feeling more loved and more connected to others in their lives when they routinely practice gratitude or those around them practice gratitude.

  4. Practicing gratitude can improve your physical health. People who actively express gratitude tend to be more engaged in activities to take care of their physical health, like eating well and exercising. This leads to higher energy levels, better sleep and a stronger immune system.

The key to all of these benefits is that you are regularly practicing gratitude, not just doing it once or twice! Below is a gratitude reflection worksheet we made for you to track your gratitude daily. Once you’ve gotten the hang of it, you can add to it, change it up, put it in a journal, or simply do it in your head every day!


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